Brandon Manitoba through Saskatchewan and into Medicine Hat Alberta
Long drive today, but I basically saved half a day :) Still not too much traffic on the road, still construction delays, still few transport trucks, but I did notice that many of them are tandem so they are hauling a twin trailer and a large part of the road separates so you don't see much of the eastbound traffic. Lots and lots of glampers, RVs, people hauling boats. My route for today Beautiful sunny day, not many clouds in the sky as I left Brandon this morning. Temperature was around 23 degrees at 8:30 am when I hit the road. Reached 34 degrees by the time I was mid-Saskatchewan. Observations Manitoba: Acres and acres and acres of canola fields. Many are in flower right now. Bright greeney yellow on both sides of the road as far as you can see. Feels like you are enveloped in sunshine :) Another treat was to see blooming lavender fields. This picture thanks to google but you get the drift. S...