
Showing posts from 2012
Hi Babes Long drive from Toronto to Springfield, Mass.  After 9 hours, finally arrived at our hotel right across the parking lot (literally) from the Basketball Hall of Fame.   We had dinner at the Student Prince, a German Restaurant in downtown Springfield.   This town is a drive through!  Not much going on, "downtown" is uberquiet. Here's a picture of Dad in the German Restaurant taken from iTouch (hence the poor quality image)   It has the largest collection of Beer Steins! Today, we headed to Newport, RI, just a mere 2 hours south of Springfield.  Arrived at the Jailhouse Inn around 2:00 and then we did a tour of a couple of historical houses.   This one, called The Breakers was built by Cornelius Vanderbilt (this is the same family that Andersen Cooper belongs to -- he's the great great grandson!) Here's the site and a few pictures Then we went to Marble House which was built by William Vanderbilt (gra